Industrial Liner - Garbage Bags

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Industrial Liner - Garbage Bags

$ 0.00 CAD


A true indication that “less is more” this product line is certified by the Ecologo program CCD-126 for garbage bags. Contains recycled plastics collected from household blue box programs as
well as post industrial-use markets.

• Meet government and industry safety and performance standards
• Meet requirements of Fisheries Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) for manufacture and transport.
• Contains both post-consumer and household post-consumer material.

Available Sizes:

Black | 20 X 22 | Regular 
Black | 22 X 24 | Regular
Black | 26 X 36 | Regular
Black | 26 X 36 | Strong
Blue   | 26 X 36 | Strong
Black | 30 X 38 | Regular
Black | 30 X 38 | Strong
Black | 35 X 50 | Regular
Black | 35 X 50 | Strong
Black | 35 X 50 | X-Strong
Black | 35 X 50 | Strong

More sizes are available via custom order

Call (780) 422 1569, Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM to open a free account and place an order

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